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Gadsden State Jazz Festival 2021 expands to two-day event

陆军爵士大使将于晚上7点以一场音乐会结束2021年加兹登州立爵士音乐节的第一天.m. 11月. 4 at the Gadsden City High School Theater.

注意:由于预计气温较低,室外音乐会计划于11月10日举行. 5 have been moved to the Downtown Civic Center.

Gadsden, Ala. — Since 2017, 网上赌博网站十大排行有一种美国音乐界独有的音乐流派——爵士乐. This year, 学院继续在一年一度的爵士音乐节上向过去和网上赌博网站十大排行体育平台的爵士音乐致敬, themed “Celebrating Jazz in Alabama.” It will be held 11月. 该课程由加兹登州立美术与音乐学院与爵士教育网合作举办. It is free to the public.

“After cancelling the 2020 event due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are excited to expand the 2021 Jazz Festival to two days,” said Dr. Matt Leder, instructor and director of the Gadsden State Show Band. “我们希望每一位音乐家和乐迷都能在两天的活动中至少来一次音乐节.”

爵士音乐节包括三场著名音乐家的演奏会和三所高中的演出, six colleges and eight professional groups or musicians.

“爵士音乐节是学生向优秀临床医生学习的好机会,”莱德说. “They can also hear from the best in the business. The Jazz Festival welcomes students, 社区成员和专业音乐家享受两天的娱乐和教育.”

Typically, 爵士音乐节原定在华莱士霍尔美术中心举行,但由于网上赌博网站十大排行场馆的供暖和制冷问题,将于2021年举行. 取而代之的是,爵士音乐节的第一天将在加兹登市高中剧院举行. 第二天将在加兹登市中心布罗德街的市中心市民中心开始,并以GCHS剧院的最后一场音乐会结束.

“本来很容易取消明年的活动,因为我们面临着没有华莱士音乐厅的挑战,” said Leder. “But, we don’t like easy. 对于美术和音乐系以及网上赌博网站十大排行的学生来说举办一个活动是很重要的, like the Jazz Festival, that can be enjoyed by everyone in our community. 这是一个难得的待遇,能够享受音乐的水准,我们提供的音乐家在爵士音乐节不支付门票.”

In addition to the concerts and the clinics, participating ensembles will have the option of being adjudicated. 评审包括著名爵士音乐家和临床医生,蒂姆·利希和博士. Michael Pendowski.

Leahey has been performing professionally since the age of 9. 最近,他是美国空军爵士乐团Airmen of Note的成员和爵士独奏家.S. Air Force, as well as the Shook Russo Quintet. He has been featured as a soloist on over two dozen recordings. 彭多斯基是奥本大学爵士乐团的指挥,也是萨克斯的助理教授. 他是教育领域的杰出作曲家,为学校和大学的各种合奏团体发表了数十首作品.

Leahey and Pendowski will kick-off the festival at 11 a.m. 11月. 4 at the GCHS Theater with a clinic and question-and-answer session.

 “我们有一些我们这个时代最好的爵士音乐家来到加兹登参加这个节日,” Leder said. “这些优秀的音乐专家愿意为我们的社区教授诊所和表演,这是一种荣誉.”

At 11:40 a.m., 杰克逊维尔高中爵士乐团将在12点10分上台,然后是午餐休息.m.

A clinic hosted by Mobile native Greg Gisbert will be from 1 p.m. 到2点.m. The internationally-known trumpeter has played alongside Wynton Marsalis, the Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra, the Woody Herman Orchestra, Toshiko Akiyoshi, 梅纳德·弗格森和玛丽亚·施耐德还有史密森学会的大乐队, Carnegie Hall and Vanguard. He has released three albums on the Criss Cross label.

The 11月. 下午2点阿拉巴马大学伯明翰爵士乐团的演出结束了4点的日程安排.m., the Jacksonville State University Jazz Ensemble I at 2:40 p.m. and the Five Points Jazz Quintet at 3:20 p.m. Wallace State Community College Jazz Ensemble takes the stage at 4 p.m. followed by Big Band Theory at 4:35 p.m.

The concert finale on 11月. 4 will begin at 7 p.m. with opening act, Hoover First Edition Jazz Ensemble. They will be followed by the main act, the Army Jazz Ambassadors.

“陆军爵士大使乐队确实是国内最好的巡回爵士乐团之一,” Leder said. “他们一直受到专业人士和业余爵士爱好者的一致好评.”

陆军爵士大使音乐会将包括经典的大乐队标准, patriotic favorites, 当代爵士作品和原编曲和组合的过去和网上赌博网站十大排行体育平台的成员.


On 11月. 爵士音乐节将移至市中心文娱中心,并于上午11点开始.m. with the Birmingham-Southern College Jazz Ensemble. Creative Soul, 由莱德和加兹登州立表演乐队的前任和现任成员组成的爵士乐团, will take the stage at 11:40 a.m. Piano soloist Julio Barreto will follow at 12:20 p.m.

Native Alabamian Sherman Irby will present a clinic at 1 p.m. 他录制了五张专辑,并与哈莱姆男孩合唱团一起巡回演出,是林肯中心爵士乐团的成员. 他曾与Marcus Roberts以及Betty Carter的Jazz Ahead Program和Roy Hargrove的乐队合作. Since 2003, Irby has been the regional director for Jazz Masters Workshop, 是什么丰富了年轻人的生活,同时培养了对爵士乐表演感兴趣的音乐家.

At 2:10 p.m., 加兹登州立铜管乐队登台表演,随后是蒙特瓦洛大学爵士乐团.m. Gadsden State graduate and pianist Myles Probus performs from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

After a quick set-up, Oracle Blue Band performs at 5 p.m. 这个位于纳什维尔的乐队的声音被描述为“新灵魂元素的混合”, 电子音乐和美国黑人音乐创造了一种带有阴郁舞蹈感的新奇音景.该乐队最初是卡罗莱纳海岸大学的一个学生爵士组合,网上赌博网站十大排行体育平台有了首张专辑, “Gilded Kingdoms.这支乐队每年巡演48周,并在鲁迪酒吧(Rudy’s)常驻, a popular jazz club in Nashville.

After Oracle Blue Band wraps up at 6 p.m., the Jazz Festival will return to the GCHS Theater for the Finale Concert, 加兹登州表演乐队将与厄比和吉斯伯特一起演出,阿拉巴马爵士乐团的成员也将表演一段简短的演出.

Immediately following the concert, 传统的Party后果酱会在Back Forty Beer Co .举行. There will be no cover charge. 音乐家们被鼓励带着他们的乐器和特殊的客人一起表演.

“We are exposing our community to the jazz culture, and we are so excited about this being an annual event,” Leder said.

爵士音乐节的赞助者包括网上赌博网站十大排行, Jazz Education Network, the Mary G. Hardin Center for Cultural Arts, Holiday Inn Express & Suites, The Chamber of Gadsden/Etowah, Gadsden Music Co. Bob Moody, and the Greater Gadsden Tourism Authority.