


阿拉巴马州的中心. —  加兹登州立切诺基体育馆挤满了朋友, 家庭, Chamber of Commerce members and College employees today for a naming ceremony honoring Richard 林赛.

“It is my privilege to announce the naming of this building as the 理查德·林赛·阿雷纳,” said Dr. 凯西·墨菲,网上赌博网站十大排行校长. “今天向家乡的英雄致敬是多么的荣幸.”

林赛, who served as the representative for the Alabama House District 39 for 35 years, was instrumental in securing the construction of the Gadsden State satellite campus in Centre. 加兹登州立切罗基人 was constructed in response to community and governmental efforts to meet the growing educational needs in the region. The $22 million multi-level complex was constructed in 2008 and includes a 300-seat conference room, 较小的会议室, 教室, 学习实验室和办公空间除了2,容纳500名观众的球场. 切罗基县商会也设在校园.

“We believe this campus is a great asset to Cherokee County and our entire service area,墨菲说. “这是Rep. 林赛最大的成就. He will be distinctively and prominently recognized on this campus for years to come as the arena carries his name.”

Trudy Lowe spoke during the ceremony on behalf of the Cardinal Foundation. The support organization for Gadsden State co-hosted the ceremony with the Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce.

“加兹登州立切诺基对我们镇很重要, to all of the students who have graduated from this campus and to the many other students who will attend here in the future,”她说。.

快乐佩里, 切罗基县商会的执行董事, said she is proud of the partnership the Chamber has with Gadsden State. She said not only is Gadsden State convenient and affordable for local students, but it is also a big plus when recruiting business and industry to the area.

“自从校园建成以来, 它一直是包括体育赛事在内的许多活动的举办地, 行为测试, 排球和篮球比赛, 音乐会, 机器人比赛,甚至马戏团,”她说。. “每年大约有3万人经过这个竞技场.”

Rep. Ginny Shaver said education has always been the top priority for 林赛. 除了帮助网上赌博网站十大排行转到切罗基县, 林赛 was instrumental in establishing the Cherokee County Education and Training Center.

“We wouldn’t have the opportunity to further our education and training locally if it weren’t for you,她对林赛说. “As you drive by and see your name on this building, I want you to consider it our thank you. 我们感谢你为这个社区所做的一切.”

艾尔·舒梅克, 切罗基县的律师和居民, 我和林赛一起做了几个项目, 包括Pinhoti小道的建立, 阿巴拉契亚山径的延伸. 这条小径在阿拉巴马州长达171英里,一直延伸到缅因州.

“Richard comes up with a lot of ideas, and he always says, ‘I think we can do it,’” Shumaker said. “他从不动摇. He is honest, hardworking and always worked for the best interests of his constituents. 谢谢你,理查德,感谢你的远见、乐观和坚韧.”

林赛 said he is humbled and thankful to the 阿拉巴马社区学院系统 Board of Trustees for approving the renaming of the largest sports venue in Cherokee County to the 理查德·林赛·阿雷纳. 特蕾莎Hulgan, the now-retired 切罗基县商会的执行董事, 和墨菲合作让决议通过. 董事会于5月11日正式批准.

“I’m honored to have the support of my local community and the citizens of this area,他说.

林赛与切罗基县委员会的领导层合作, KTH利斯堡产品和市政中心, 雪松虚张声势, Gaylesville, 在利斯堡和沙石镇修建切罗基县校区.

“I just happened to be in a place to lead the charge, and I was happy to do it,他说. “我们团结一心. 我们所有人一起工作,我们像一个人一样说话. 合作是你完成事情的方式.”

He said he expects to see the arena consistently utilized by schools and other community organizations, 他的梦想是看到加兹登州立切诺基继续成长.

“There have been many students who have come to this college to get an education that changed their lives and changed the lives of their families,他说. “They were able to graduate, get a job and make a successful life in Cherokee County. A lot of them may be living in poverty if it weren’t for Gadsden State.”


“Not only do I have good community partners, but I have a good 家庭, too,他说. “我想对每一个参与其中的人说声非常感谢. Thank you for honoring me and thank you for supporting Cherokee County and this wonderful campus. 愿上帝保佑你和这个社区.”

Others participating in the renaming ceremony were the Cherokee County Volunteer Fire Department Honor Guard and the Gadsden State A Cappella Choir.

For more information on 加兹登州立切罗基人 and the programs offered at the Centre campus, visit www.GadsdenState.edu/Cherokee.

关于Richard lindsey:

林赛 is widely known for serving nine consecutive terms in the Alabama House of Representatives. 1983年首次当选, he served 10 years as the chairman of the Education Finance and Appropriations Committee. He served three terms as chairman of the House Agriculture Committee as well as several regional and national legislative committees.

在他担任立法委员期间, 林赛获得了许多奖项, including Legislator of the Year from the Alabama Rural Electric Cooperatives, State Representative of the Year from the Alabama Association of Conservation Districts and the Lifetime Legislative Leadership Award from the Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools.

In addition to assisting in the establishment of two educational facilities in Cherokee County, 他还与前州长布朗密切合作. 唐·西格尔曼和交通主管麦克·罗伯茨带来KTH, 一级汽车供应商, 来斯. He also joined other local officials to convince state leadership to four lane Hwy. 从利斯堡到加兹登.

林赛是切罗基轧棉公司的共同所有人., one of the largest gins in the south and is a partner in a large farming operation called Coosa River Land Co. 他是全国棉花委员会的代表, vice president of the National Cotton Ginners Association and past president of the Southeastern Cotton Ginners Association. He is a long-time member of the Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce and is a member of the First Southern State Bank Board of Directors serving Northeast Alabama. 他还在多个董事会任职, 包括美国切罗基县辅助生活联合会, 库萨-阿拉巴马河改善协会, 切罗基县ALFA组织和豪威尔斯公墓协会.

He is married to Johna and they have two children: Rich (Cassandra) 林赛 and Anna (Caleb) Brown. 他们的孙子是萨凡纳和R.J.

Richard Linsdey speaks during the Naming Ceremony of the 理查德·林赛·阿雷纳. 右起为阿尔·舒梅克博士. 凯西·墨菲和乔伊·佩里.

Richard Linsdey speaks during the Naming Ceremony of the 理查德·林赛·阿雷纳. 右起为阿尔·舒梅克博士. 凯西·墨菲和乔伊·佩里.

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