

The 紧急医疗服务计划 is designed for students who desire a career in pre-hospital emergency medicine. Our goal is to prepare competent entry-level paramedics in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills) and affective (behavior) learning domains with or without exit points at the Advanced 急救医疗技术员 and/ or the 急救医疗技术员 and/or the Emergency Medical Responder levels. The program provides the successful student with the theoretical and practical preparation to obtain entry-level positions in the EMS workforce.

T在这里 are four levels of EMS training and education: Emergency Medical Responder, 急救医疗技术员, 高级急救和护理人员. They are licensed medical professionals who provide emergency medical care to the sick and injured. 学生 who enroll in the EMS program will pursue a course of study that leads to an Associate in Applied Science degree. 电子病历是一门以继续教育形式进行的认证课程. EMT是一个学期的课程. 高级EMT培训需要在EMT之外再学习一个学期. 护理人员培训是最后三个学期,结果在AAS. Over the last three years, completers in EMS have 100 percent job placement.

EMS courses are taught at the 艾尔斯校园, the 东广校区 and 加兹登州立切罗基人. EMS项目的临床分支机构位于加兹登, 阿尔贝维尔, 阿尔图纳, 安尼斯顿, 波阿斯, 中心, 佩恩堡, Guntersville, Heflin, 杰克逊维尔, Lineville, 牛津和皮埃蒙特 .

The 紧急医疗服务计划 is accredited by the Committee on 认证 of Allied Health Programs, the Committee on 认证 of Educational Programs for the 紧急医疗服务 Professions and the State of Alabama Department of Public Health – Office of 紧急医疗服务.




A new class is admitted to 紧急医疗服务 training every semester. EMT classes start every semester while 先进的EMT classes start in the fall and spring and Medic classes start in the summer. 学生的选择是基于完成所有要求:

  1. 无条件被大学录取. 应用 在这里
  2. Complete a program application prior to the Add/Drop deadline for each semester. 访问 or call Bevill Hall on the Wallace Drive Campus to receive an application. 我们的电话号码是256-549-8689.
  3. 大学/高中GPA不低于2分.5对4.0规模
  4. 必须在学院有良好的信誉
  5. Must meet the 基本功能 (see below) required for 紧急医疗服务 students. 
  6. Pass a criminal background check and drug screen upon admission to the program.
  7. Submit a completed health questionnaire and immunizations records upon request by the program.
  8. Demonstrate proof of health insurance or sign up for a temporary health plan via third-party insurance companies. 学生 who do not show proof of health insurance will not be allowed to attend clinicals.
*EMT短期证书 (12学时)


小时(年代) 课程
9小时 EMS 118 -紧急医疗技术员
1小时 EMS 119 -紧急医疗技术员诊所
1小时 Ems 100 -心肺复苏术
1小时 EMS 107 -紧急车辆操作员课程
*高级EMT短期证书 (9学时)


小时 课程
7个小时 EMS 155 -高级紧急医疗技术员
2小时 EMS 156 -高级紧急医疗技术员临床
*护理人员短期证书 (29学时) 


第一学期(8学时) 课程
3个小时 EMS 241 -急救心脏病学
2小时 急救人员病人评估
1小时 EMS 244 -辅助医疗临床I
2小时 EMS 257 -护理人员应用药理学
第二学期(11学时) 课程
3个小时 EMS 245 -急救人员医疗紧急情况
3个小时 急救246 -急救创伤管理
2小时 EMS 247 -特殊人群护理人员
3个小时 EMS 248 -二级临床护理人员
第三学期(10学时) 课程
2小时 EMS 253 -护理人员向劳动力的过渡
2小时 EMS 254 -护理人员的高级能力
5个小时 急救255 -急救现场培训
1小时 EMS 256 -急救小组领导

急诊医疗服务专业学士学位 (65-74学时)
小时(年代) 课程
4个小时 生物201或271 -人体解剖学和生理学
4个小时 生物202 -人体解剖学和生理学II

英语101 -英语作文I

3个小时 美术选修课
3个小时 MTH 100 -中级大学代数
1小时 ORI 101 -大学入学指南
3个小时 PSY 200 -一般心理学

*(ACCUPLACER阅读成绩75分, 等价的行为, 或任何级别的课程入学要求的eng101)

The State of Alabama created the Volunteer Rescue Student Tuition Reimbursement Program (Act 2018-524) in 2018. 立法允许学生获得EMT, 先进的EMT, and Paramedic certification from an Alabama Community College to be reimbursed their tuition costs for the training.

为了有资格参加志愿救援学生学费计划, the applicant must commit - and show verification of a commitment - to at least three years of service to a volunteer fire or rescue squad. 志愿做急救医生, AEMT, 和护理人员增加工人的经验,并帮助当地社区.


  1. 学生向ACCS提交项目协议和文件
  2. ACCS审查包,如果完成,将向学院发放报销*
  3. 学院向学生支付费用





9355 - 113街. N, #7709,佛罗里达州33775
网站: caahep.org

The Committee on 认证 of Educational Programs for the 紧急医疗服务 Professions (CoAEMSP)
网站: coaemsp.org

网站: www.alabamapublichealth.gov / ems /索引.html




John Hollingsworth硕士,NRP EMS项目主管
